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Top 10 Hotels in Guwahati

Popular Accommodation Types in Guwahati

Thu, 27 Mar - Fri, 28 Mar


The robust Brahmaputra River sustains this northeast Indian city’s urban acceleration, but its increasing sprawl of industry is balanced, not just by a humbling landscape of the river and Shillong foothills, but also by its many significant religious landmarks. Sacred tributes to Hindu goddesses include the Peacock Island and Umananda Temple, and the Elliptic structure of the hilltop Kamakhya Temple, a Shakti Pitha venerating its namesake and woman’s conception gifts. recently found 1021 hotels in Guwahati, India. Find a range of accommodation in Guwahati at great prices. Book luxury Guwahati hotels or find last minute accommodation. Save more on cheap hotels in Guwahati with affordable room rates.

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